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Email Marketing: 32 Ways to Build your Email List From Scratch

Email Marketing  : 32 Ways To Build List

Email marketing is a highly effective, low-cost way to deliver your advertising message to existing and potential customers. This depends mainly on having a valuable email list. so if you haven't had a chance to build it before,

First of all, you need to know that having your email list limited, information-scarce, or filled with errors and repetition means you're off track. 

So you need to start improving it more and more immediately to start your project to integrate email marketing into the marketing mix. and this may be the only solution to keep your advertising wheel running, and with this effort. you'll be sure your efforts on other advertising platforms will work.

In addition to the above advice, you should be warned not to buy ready-made mailing lists that do not express your current or potential customers. we know that you may not do so because you know the basic principles of advertising. 

The most important of which is permission before messaging customers or you will put your online business at risk of being classified as Spamming and even denying you access to your actual customers.

The right way to start using Email Marketing in your business is by building an email list for your customers in legal and correct ways. so here's your guide of all potential ways to produce your first mailing listing from scratch:

Build your email list from scratch

1. Email Marketing: Always carry the registration paper with you.

Whether you're at a trade show, a social event, or in front of your store. always collect email addresses in person. It doesn't take much effort and you can easily ask people to fill out the form with personal information from them.

2. Email Marketing: Take advantage of business cards.

Ask for business cards from all the people you meet face-to-face. try putting a glass bowl on your shop counter or at the front desk at your desk. and ask visitors to drop their cards. To motivate people to subscribe to their email for emails, offer a free product, service, gift, card, etc., and add this offer behind your card to further encourage them.

3. Email Marketing: Hosting an event.

Organize an event such as a lunch gathering, conversation on a specific topic. a book club, or any other idea that leads people to come and participate. 

For the success of your idea, send invitations and advertising as well as advertising in the local media. Then ask people to register to attend the event by using their email.

4. Email Marketing: Special gifts plan:

Motivate people to share their email and randomly select some of them to win a material reward in return.

5. Email Marketing:Request to subscribe by email via traditional mail:

Sometimes, you can only have a person's postal address without their email address. To motivate him to join your email list. sending a special offer via traditional mail so that it can only be obtained after you go to and join your website.

6. Email Marketing: Try telemarketing.

You are in constant contact over the phone with your customers and target group. so we recommend that you always ask if they would like to join your email list. Give them a summary of the benefits of registering on this list. such as exclusive offers and discounts available to email subscribers.

7. Email Marketing: Build a special blog:

Your blog is a great way to build a personal relationship with your customers and potential customers as well as to collect their email addresses. You can always motivate users to subscribe to their email by adding the subscription button to your blog(with a good subject). 

while explaining the added value they will earn behind it. On the other hand. smartly, ask them to provide you with their email if they want to write a specific comment in the blog and then indicate that they will be added directly to your email list to update you.

8. Email Marketing: Don't give up subscribers easily.

The bounceback (unsubscribe) is one of the problems you face on your email advertising trip. which is an email that no longer reaches the other party because of an error in writing the mail sent to it or that it is no longer used for other reasons.

For that reason when you receive notice of such mail try to communicate with those who have changed their mail to inquire and in another way ask them to give you their new private mail and motivate them to do so by offering a special reward or A certain discount.

9. Email Marketing: Deal with new partners.

Always try to build new companies with others by sharing your email lists with them. Provide them with a dedicated space on your home page in exchange for including a link with the subscription form on their home pages.

10. Email Marketing: Don't let your website visitors get away.

If a visitor explores your website without signing up. invite it one last time to subscribe before leaving the site. Show a private message asking him to subscribe to his email and take advantage of special offers immediately after he is interested in moving away from your site.

11. Email Marketing: Promote the idea of subscription by adding the sentence "Subscribers with their email only".

Work on this strategy by rewarding your followers with special offers available only to subscribers with their email. Encourage them to redirect the subscription link to friends and family.

12. Email Marketing: Don't forget to add your email with all your emails.

Check that every email you send is available on a subscription form so that anyone who receives one of your emails from someone else can easily subscribe directly. (automation) to your click-only list on the link.

13. Email Marketing: Be active on blogs and forums.

Make successive visits to blogs and forums that your customers actively visit and try to actively participate by leaving valuable comments on the topics at hand. Don't forget to include a link to your website where visitors will find their email subscription form afterward.

14. Email Marketing: Involve your employees in the process of compiling the email list.

Reward employees for collecting valid and testable email addresses. Remember to get them to get a person's consent before giving them their email address to add to your list.

15. Email Marketing: Encourage customers with the idea of offering daily deals.

There are sites dedicated to offering deals offered by companies online and it is very good to take advantage of these sites to view your deals. 

Through this type of site, view your discount and ask anyone who wishes to receive the transaction to provide their email address in return.

16. Email Marketing: Using the traditional advertising method.

To this day, the method of advertising by recommending a particular product or service by a former consumer still plays an important role because people trust the opinions of those who have tried before them. 

So ask existing and new customers to refer new subscribers to your list. In return. offer them a discount as a reward for the correct confirmed and approved email addresses they have brought.

17. Email Marketing: Use the ad by pointing it in front of your store or office.

Place the billboard in front of your store or office to encourage subscription using their email and offer a reward to anyone new who subscribes. 

You can also invite your customers to the store to register or give them the web address where they will find the subscription form there. (using paid plans, platforms, and software).

18. Email Marketing: Encourage competition.

Sponsor a video contest in which customers create a one-minute video of why they like your business, products, or services. Ask them to send you videos and post them to your Facebook page. Inviting visitors to vote on any video must-win cash prizes or goods. Include an e-mail on your Facebook page, and make sure you follow Facebook's rules on contests.

19. Email Marketing: Use your app on your mobile.

When you're present at a trade show, business meeting, or forum. always use your smartphone to collect e-mail addresses. data and grow an easy audience. Also, make sure you include your e-mail with your phone app. 

If you're offering the app for free download through your website. ask users to provide you with their e-mail to complete the download. (to grow deliverability and rate of emails).

20. Email Marketing: Add subscription motivation to your sent funds.

If you ship and send products to your customers. it's the perfect opportunity to expand your e-mail list at no cost!. Include the registration request inside the shipping box on a special card. Be sure to add the "e-mail only" special offers to subscribers and provide them with your website link to complete the registration and take advantage of their first promotion.

21. Email Marketing: Make your bill special.

When you send an invoice, include the option to register in your e-mail mailing list to take advantage of everything new. Of course, the most motivating thing for people to make such a subscription is to reward them with a premium discount or free shipping on the next order in exchange for giving you their e-mail addresses.

22. Email Marketing: Include subscribing to your online signature.

Within a link to your signature subscription page on all your emails, personal and professional.

23. Email Marketing: Building a powerful Knowledge Network.

Try joining the local Chamber of Commerce or other business network group. Then e-mail your list of members (if possible) about your services and include a link to subscribe to your emails.

24. Email Marketing: Take advantage of the free download feature.

It's time to take advantage of all those e-books and purchasing manuals that your customers download for free from your website. When visitors to your website request a free download. ask them to complete the subscription form to download and benefit. so you will inevitably be able to expand your subscriber circle.

25. Email Marketing: Talk about yourself.

Speaking posts about your company are a great way to show that you're actively engaged and involved in the community.

 During this conversation, note that more information can be found on your website. and it is possible to take advantage of free consultations in exchange for signing up for your e-list to lead and magnet your new emails.

26. Email Marketing: Excellence in Giving.

Try to offer each month a special purchase or discount voucher for one of the new subscribers.

27. Email Marketing: Use the phrase "exclusive only for subscribers".

Since everyone likes to feel like it's part of something extraordinary. offer your e-mail subscribers something no one else can get. This could be a special discount or access to exclusive and featured video, an e-book, or anything else useful content. Promoting this idea will increase e-mail registrations.

28. Email Marketing: Give people subscription options.

People like more options and prefer to feel like they have a hand in choosing what suits them. so keep in mind creating different subscription options that allow people to sign up for relevant content. 

For example, if you sell certain tools and also offer multiple consultations. offer three options for a subscription form that allows users to subscribe for information about the tools you sell or information about consulting, or both.

You can add more choices. such as allowing them to set the number of times they want to arrive at an e-mail from your party - weekly, monthly, or only when there is a special and important event. 

People may be more likely to subscribe to your email list if they have some control over the content they will receive.

29. Email Marketing: Don't forget the power of printing.

Add a QR code (a bar code that people can scan with a smartphone app) to your ad prints. direct mail postcards, and other printed purchasing materials. and use the code to allow people to subscribe to your e-mail list simply by scanning the code.

30. Email Marketing: Take advantage of the certificates against you.

Make the subscription model more convincing by including certificates from existing e-mail subscribers promoting and speaking positively about the quality of your content.

31. Email Marketing: Teach people something unique and important

If you're an expert on something people want to know, such as weight loss. home improvement, cooking, etc., promote an exclusive online e-mail course available only to subscribers.

32. Email Marketing: Urge them to subscribe.

Visitors to your website may ignore your request to register at the top of each page. but it is difficult to ignore a small message that appears on the screen after a certain period.

These messages can be shown on visitors' screens after scrolling down on your online page to encourage them to subscribe to your e-mail list. It can be more effective to encourage users who have shown interest in your content (by staying on the page long enough to scroll) to subscribe to your e-mail list.


It often takes a long time to create your initial e-mail list. but it's an important time for your future success in digital advertising, and make many rates of sales. now tell us you? What tactics do you use to collect more emails for your potential customers?.
