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Emotional Marketing: 11 Emotional Marketing Examples

Emotional Marketing is not the product of the moment, it was used in the foot to influence armies in wars through slogans, chants, etc. Recently, brands use it to influence target customers through emotional marketing campaigns that focus on customers' needs. creating an interaction that forces them to react, namely, the decision to purchase.

Emotional Marketing
Emotional Marketing

When Apple or Samsung hold a conference for their new phones, they call them interesting slogans. This is a glimpse of emotional marketing that focuses on the surprise of the target customer segment. 

so the new specifications and features will be more entrenched in the minds of customers. and then they start to feel proud when owning these devices. so you see them rushing to buy the latest phone models.

What is emotional marketing? What are its most important benefits?

It is a type of marketing that focuses on the emotions of the target. Through emotional marketing campaigns, to make them notice. remember and buy. This emotional marketing always affects individual emotions such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and fear. Its most important benefits are:

1. The perfect alternative to purely advertising campaigns

Targeting customer sentiment with advertising efforts brings the distance between the brand and the personal level of customers closer. It can the same be difficult and complex to rely on purely advertising campaigns. which focus on demonstrating product features and meeting customer needs.

 Yes, in this case, the customer may remember the information mentioned in the ad but not the brand.

So from time to time, using emotional marketing can be great, whether it's making customers laugh or be afraid, which increases customer engagement with the brand. which means increased customer loyalty even after the purchase decision.

2. Emotional marketing works to publish content

Emotional marketing not only affects customers' needs or desires but is a way or strategy to make content more shareable. No one will share a video or article without moving their feelings, getting impressed, and feeling part of it. and most often you find people sharing funny, interesting, or fearful content.

3. Emotional marketing is a great first impression

In your opinion, what makes the first impression even more wonderful? When you see, read, or hear new content, what attracts you?

If there are two ads, one talking about product features only and so on, and the other an emotional ad that made you laugh or be affected. anyone will impress you, certainly the second ad. First impressions form within seconds and help anchor the brand in the customer's mind all the time.

4. Improve product design

Product design is not limited to the quality, features, and price it offers. the best way to design a product is by linking it to emotional properties. so what does that mean?

For example, Apple offers passionate marketing to follow and goes beyond any other company. so you find that Apple has the most loyal customers, stems from an emotional strategy that users feel that there is a link between them and the product they have. 

through the voice assistant allows them to say "Hi Siri" and then reply to them because they know their unique and only voice.

5. Improving marketing campaigns

Profit-targeting cannot be done only, and if companies and businesses look for social trends in the region they cover. especially among younger generations. they will find that there are some general trends and objectives that affect them.

What needs to be done in this case is to link customer loyalty programs to these trends. by providing a portion of the profits for community responsibility. For example, if there is a restaurant, it can exploit customers' feelings by providing some food to the homeless. making customers feel that they are involved when they buy from the restaurant.

How does emotional marketing achieve marketing goals?

Emotional marketing is a powerful tool for increasing sales. encouraging customers to react to certain feedback that helps grow the brand, and here's the impact of emotional marketing on customers:

  • Happiness makes customers participate: With these posts, brand awareness will increase, and it is well known that good news and content are spreading rapidly.

  • Grief makes customers sympathetic: empathy increases giving when charities use influential images and songs as fundraising campaigns. Feelings of grief inspire people to work and help others through financial giving.

  • Fear instills the thought of clinging to the available: marketers are often afraid to link fear to their brand. but the opposite is always the case. Fear shows the degree of comfort while using the product. and it is the only thing appropriate to solve these problems.

  • Anger increases the chances of spreading: By producing content that angers people and increases views and likes on social media platforms. the video can be a social or political issue.

Now that you've learned how emotions affect customer behavior. let's talk about integrating them into your marketing campaign.

How to design an emotional marketing campaign

First: Getting to know the audience

Before doing any kind of marketing campaign, you must recognize the characteristics of the target emotional audience. If a person does not know who their audience is. how can they recognize their feelings to be targeted, and what kind of content is appropriate?

Before recognizing a customer's emotional journey, you should do some research on the target audience. removing obstacles and saving time and resources. For example, Apple customers who boast and feel safe are among the most controlled feelings. So, Apple offers continuous security updates, and the best designs and technologies.

Second: Learn about the customer's emotional journey

When planning a marketing campaign begins, you should know the emotions of your target customers. and what do they feel when buying the product? 

What are the needs of customers or the problem that drives them to look for the product? And what does a client with these problems feel? Also, identify feelings that are desired to be alleviated or created. and then prepare a mental map of these feelings.

Third: Identify the feelings to be targeted in the marketing campaign

Focus on simplicity as much as possible. Choose a maximum of one or two main emotions, and then design the campaign accordingly. There are usually other casual feelings. For example, insurance companies can target a sense of fear by addressing the losses they will suffer from not securing their homes or cars, or they can explain how their services can reduce losses and feel calm.

Fourth: Mood panel configuration

Here, the role is dedicated to the content creator, designers, etc., consisting of a range of colors, images, and sometimes some texts that help reach a marketing campaign with an emotional lyrical scene that achieves the desired goals. Pink, yellow and red is always associated with love and joy, disappointed gray and black with fear.

Emotional marketing strategies

Customer needs and feelings are different, which means that there must be different emotional branding strategies that meet these differences. and they can be combined, but it is preferable to do one at first:

First: Color conversion

It may seem like a simple strategy, but it has a big impact on customers' feelings, colors, and feelings are connected. and color directly affects the emotions of the target, is used in hospitals to calm patients. and uses scarring posters and colors in movies.

Also the same is used in brands, such as Red in Coca-Cola, green in Starbucks. Red evokes feelings of love and joy, and green is about harmony, balance, and nature.

Second: Storytelling

Emotional marketing strategies to communicate with the target audience. whether it's a sad story, passion, or excitement, can be shared with the audience regardless of its composition. For example, Mother's Day can be exploited by broadcasting a video focused on mothers, etc.

Third: Local targeting

The brand can win and influence customers by linking to their pride and passion for where they live. by pursuing a local strategy that suits the cities and places where they live.

For example, national automaker brands are linked to local markets and consumer desires such as Mercedes in Germany. and banks such as Bank of America in the United States. Companies should take care of this trend and play on the chord of feelings of patriotism and belonging.

Fourth: Celebrating landmarks

Memories and milestones can be a great way to strengthen customer relationships with the brand, through anniversaries. For example, on the 50th anniversary of Apple's founding, and so on, customers will have a feeling that something connects them to this brand. and makes them remember it every year as if it were someone's birthday.

How to measure the success of an emotional marketing campaign

Like other marketing efforts, emotional marketing should be measured, and how responsive the public is toads, outside of clicking, signing up, or buying. 

To measure this, you'll need to do some manual analysis, conduct some surveys or provide space for comments during the launch of the marketing campaign. which will be a real-time measure of the degree of public interaction.

There is also another way to measure emotional marketing, by decoding how emotion turns into action. As mentioned earlier, joy leads to participation and sadness to give, fear leads to clinging. and depending on these effects, reactions can be expected.

For example, if a video focused on happiness and joy is shared, followers' responses can be monitored on social media. and if they share it with other users means it has done well to affect the happiness of others, and if it focuses on fear.

 it may increase follow-ups and sales for fear of losing the opportunity, such as cuts, discounts, etc.

11 Emotional Marketing examples

1. Emotional Marketing: Instant gratification

People often expect to get what they urgently need in many aspects of their lives even if their needs are wrong. The urgency of your message to the public makes them take action quickly and therefore immediately satisfy their needs.

 When writing an ad or promoting a publication in which you provide a particular product or service that meets the needs of a specific audience. It's best to add words and phrases like today, now, within 24 hours, and instant access. And a lot of other phrases that motivate the public to take the action they seek.

All these aspects are important to the success of your emotional ad. Don't make your audience wait. just give them what they want. You can offer them a discount or competition to give them the chance to win and get what they are after.

I introduce Lavent Law, a Miami lawyer who takes a practical approach to every case he handles. A good example of this point is that he persuaded many people who had accidents in Miami to use his services to get their money. and he succeeded in provoking their emotions.

2- Emotional Marketing: Happiness

Many companies seek to link their brand name to smiles, laughter, and positivity. Based on this New York Times study, the most shared articles were positive and emotionally attractive. So when creating emotional ads, keep in mind that positive advertising can help you get more interactive and more involved.

For example, Coca-Cola's 2015 "Choose Happiness" ad was a powerful example of emotional branding using a passion for happiness. The ad encouraged consumers to share their happy memories and experiences that made them happy that summer. So this ad received a strong audience because it arouses their passion.

3- Emotional Marketing: Fear

Fear is a good marketing tool to make people loyal to your brand, product, or service. Fear makes people investigate some areas carefully. They warn of the risks we may face if they do not take the necessary measures. Fear makes us think and work to prevent people from bad habits such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and smoking.

An example is the World Wildlife Fund, which promotes its campaign to raise awareness about the harmful effects of global warming by arousing fear among the public. The ads he promotes illustrate the image that the earth will become because of climate change. and how this environmental problem will change your life and that of those who follow you.

4- Emotional Marketing: Trust

Trust is currently one of the most effective drivers of emotional marketing, and many brands are trying to jump on the trust board in their ads. But before customers trust and buy from you over and over again. you should convince them to trust you, using emotional attraction ads.

  • Try to be clear and open with your customers, everything must be clear and visible to everyone.
  • View your customers' certificates on landing pages, ratings, and review sites.
  • To reduce consumer risk, you can offer a 100% refund guarantee, a free experience, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a lot more.
  • Keep your humanity. View people's true faces and social profile links on your website, to prove that they are members of your team. and also make short shots showing how the team works. showing the team in the line of duty, and special moments with the team.
  • View the trusted brands you've worked with, and the prizes you've won.
  • Be accurate, provide numbers, statistics, and facts about your brand.

The Law Offices of John Rapillo is an example of 'using unique emotional marketing. enhancing the confidence of their customers to deal with them and refer to them by displaying their customers' certificates on the site with their full names attached.

5- Emotional Marketing: Grief

Using negative emotions such as grief helps you provide a sense of empathy. and many brands have noted how effective it is to use emotional content that creates public awareness of social issues such as violence. gender equality, poverty reduction, migration, and other issues.

So you have to keep the balance when creating any kind of ad. When you use emotional marketing. you don't need to upset your audience and stir up the negative emotion your brand creates. on the contrary, these feelings should motivate people to act and donate money to improve the situation.

For example, Children of the World promoted the Help Me Read campaign. teaching children to read and helping them learn more in education in New Delhi.

6- Emotional Marketing: Anger

The use of anger in advertising makes people upset about things like politics, environmental issues, political candidates, etc. Anger provokes negative feelings, which in turn cause negative repercussions.

Brands that use these feelings want to encourage people to solve important questions and reconsider their views. They want to show people the general situation and the positiveness of changing it for the better.

For example, the Always Like a Girl campaign uses a well-known problem to attract more women's attention and encourage them to play sports, share their stories, and the difficulties they face.

7- Emotional Marketing: Belonging

Every human being seeks to belong to a group, community, family, or network of social relationships. Because a sense of belonging helps customers meet their main psychological needs. 

Many companies have used this kind of sentiment in emotional marketing to make customers feel that they are part of a particular group in this company.

The passion for belonging is widely used in sports. RCC, a subscription and membership Rapha club, is a great example of this aspect of emotional marketing. The club provides people to cycle with club members within the city every week as well as travel opportunities around the world for sessions, meetings, and meetings among themselves.

8. Emotional Marketing: Guilt

Guilt is the most puritanical and intense of all our emotions. which became an emotional and consumer epidemic in the 21st century. People are easily influenced by messages that make them feel guilty. 

So many nonprofits use this emotional influence in their advertising campaigns. which can be very effective without any negative effects.

9. Emotional Marketing: Values

I present values as one of the most important trends in marketing. People make purchasing decisions every day based on judgments and values. Many promotions are directly linked to the emotional thrill of making the best deal. It can include time, price, and money.

Make sure the values are not very objective. Many companies were doing their utmost to enhance the perceived value of their products. Once you understand the values of your target customers. you can create the best compelling ads.

For example, Citywide Law Group promotes the message "If you've been injured, you don't have to pay until we win," and is effective in creating a sense of value. If you get hurt or something happens to you, you will be compensated and your next life secured.

10. Emotional Marketing: Driving

Consumers want to be the first to try new products or services. Brand promotions promote the emotional stimulus associated with driving to make their target customers feel at the forefront and lead purchases of this product. 

Leadership, therefore, plays a major role in promoting your ad, emotional marketing, and reaching a large number of audiences.

11. Emotional Marketing: Pride

These sentiments are directed at all consumers who want to show that they are smart and proud of a good choice. they want to be proud to buy organic food, a best-selling book, or any purchase of financial value. 

It's hard to use these feelings because everyone has different needs and desires. and you need to do deep marketing research to support your offer with strong arguments.

Other Examples of emotional advertising campaigns

Emotional marketing is primarily about creating a connection with the public to influence their feelings. Which fills the gap between the consumer and the brand, here are some examples that have focused on this:

1. Nike

At the same time as emotional marketing builds stronger relationships with the audience. it also inspires the public when recognizing what motivates them and emits energy. With this energy, sales are increased and customer loyalty enhanced. and one way to connect the brand to modernists may be to connect the brand.

Targeting anger is also a good marketing tool, highlighting the problems and obstacles facing the public. in an emotional advertising campaign where it can be a great way to inspire. Nike focuses on showing professional athletes from Arab countries in its ads. as well as highlighting the restrictions that some women face in sports in Arab countries.

2. Apple

Apple is one of the most ideal companies when it comes to emotional marketing. using a simple brand with a clear goal of becoming a lifestyle. This explains why people like to be in a larger circle such as a particular party or association. Apple recognizes that its audience is a social component that wants to be part of a major technological revolution.

That's why the company has conducted conferences to uncover its new devices to create some ambiguity and allow the public to feel part of something big and important. According to Maslow. the highest degree in the need pyramid is creativity and respect by others. 

Apple meets these needs, claiming to be a platform for unlocking creativity in the world.


Emotional marketing is as mysterious as a maze, but when part of the director's light is glimpsed. it will lead the brand to exclusivity, thereby providing added value to enhance the competitive position. 

This cannot be addressed without knowledge, addressing the emotional desires and needs of the public. giving long-term success and anchoring in the public mind, rather than temporarily increasing sales.
