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Marketing 4.0 : Définition et caractéristiques

Marketing 4.0 is the new era of marketing where all processes and actions are influenced by digitization and technology. Do you want to learn more about it? This is the post for you!

marketing 4.0

The era of Marketing 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 is already a thing of the past. Currently, with the great advances that exist in the digital economy and the influence of the Internet in all the technological revolutions that have impacted society and companies, it is the turn of Marketing 4.0.

Do you want to know what this new methodology is about and what is its impact on Digital Marketing ?

Well stay until the end and find out!

  • What is Marketing 4.0?
  • How did marketing evolve?
  • Impact of Marketing 4.0 on companies
  • How to put Marketing 4.0 into practice

Good reading!

What is Marketing 4.0?

In short, Marketing 4.0 is the latest and most recent stage of the global market. A phase we live in where Marketing and technology have a great impact on our lives and the way we communicate with brands.

If you do a little memory in the last purchases you have made, be it a shoe or a new car, it is very likely that at some point in your shopping journey the Internet was present.

Whether it's a price investigation, a YouTube video of comparisons, reviews from other users on Reddit or that you have entered the provider's website to find their contact numbers.

Be that as it may, you are not the only one; the standard behavior of today's consumers revolves around the axis of technology.

Now, what does this have to do with Marketing 4.0? Well, for this you have to know its concept.

Marketing 4.0 Concept

This concept was created by one of the most important marketing theorists of our time: Philip Kotler.

In his book " Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital ", this specialist reveals the details of the new era of Digital Marketing.

This author affirms that Marketing 4.0 is nothing more than the digital revolution of business that, unlike a few years ago, there is no option to take the digital transformation or not, it is simply a survival technique.

Technologies and consumer behavior already show that digitization has become an obligation.

This goes beyond having a fan page on Facebook or carrying out email marketing campaigns ; a deep focus on the natural evolution of companies from the corporate mindset is needed.

In this sense, organizations need to understand that Digital Marketing must be oriented towards:

  • Inclusion : taking into account the culture of social inclusion and the sense of community, eliminating demographic and geographical barriers between people.
  • Horizontal Power : Disappearing traditional power structures and increasing the competitiveness of small organizations in markets traditionally dominated by large corporations.
  • Individual decisions : influenced by social opinions generated in digital spaces.

These drastic changes in the standard of living of people and companies generate mutations in the very concept of Marketing, pushing the way towards inclusion, horizontality and communities.

How did marketing evolve?

Obviously, if the concept of Marketing 4.0 exists, it means that it is preceded by three generations. Therefore, it is necessary and valuable to talk about how this methodology has evolved over time.

Marketing 1.0

In the first stage of Marketing according to Kotler, brands had little competition and consumers narrowed down their choices.

Therefore, both companies and customers had their focus on products and their quality. What led to the mass media such as radio, television and the newspaper to be the right choice to connect these two protagonists.

Marketing 2.0

When competitiveness began to be an obstacle for various brands and consumers demanded more from manufacturers, Marketing 2.0 was born.

In this methodology, companies focus on building a brand identity that could differentiate them from other market players.

Likewise, users could become more demanding when finding more offer, so companies began to segment their public according to the interests and needs of the niches.

Marketing 3.0

This was the first stage of Marketing that embraced the idea of the Internet as a means of connection between brands and consumers.

Instead of segmenting customers, organizations chose to focus their actions on personalizing products, services, and the experience.

A fact that led consumers to feel less like just another number of companies and more like human beings with their own needs, interests and stories.

Marketing 4.0

All of the above led to the generation of the fourth phase of Marketing, one in which the transformation is anchored in digitalization, social networks and collaboration.

However, unlike the previous stages, Marketing 4.0 does not come to eliminate 3.0, in fact, what it seeks is to promote the fact of thinking of customers as human beings but now, from a technological perspective.

Impact of Marketing 4.0 on companies

In view of the undeniable and unstoppable evolution of the markets, one thing is completely clear: all companies must adapt to the digital economy as soon as possible.

At this point you probably already have a blog, an eCommerce, or at least a social media profile where you maintain interactions with your potential customers and existing customers, right?

Although in this blog we have always emphasized the importance of having digital channels and tools, they are only resources that by themselves will not be capable of anything; the key is in the strategy that sustains them.

What we mean is that beyond adapting new technologies that facilitate your processes, integrating the Marketing 4.0 philosophy has to do with understanding the relevance of the digital transformation that technology provides and how it is capable of connecting with customers.

All this mentioned is only possible after abandoning the old and traditional practices; Just as the book by Kotler says, where Marketing 4.0 emerges as the axis in the transition from analog to digital.

If this is effectively understood and copied within the business culture and critical processes, your organization will be able to generate efficient strategies that generate results never before seen by your business.

How to put Marketing 4.0 into practice

At this point you should understand almost completely what Marketing 4.0 is and what it aims to do, is that right?

If we are right, your time has come to put it into practice; however, it is very common to see organizations get lost in the know-how.

Therefore, below we will give you some tips to develop a Marketing 4.0 methodology in your business.

horizontal relationships

Hyperconnectivity makes it possible to generate more horizontal relationships with less hierarchical structure, which raises a new question: how should your organization behave in the face of it?

Well, to create horizontal relationships with people, the best thing is to be a person. Therefore, you must assume an identity from your company that has values, principles and objectives; the best thing for this is branding .

To be on an equal footing with your consumers, you must be attentive to their needs, concerns, and problems and, more importantly, try to help solve them.

Likewise, horizontal relationships also have to do with the way you interact with your competitors.

Now, knowing the difficulty of breaking away from competition, it is important to recognize that making the customer win is more profitable; which is the principle of co-marketing .

Understand that you're not in control

With the advent of blogs and social media, everyone on the internet has their own voice, making it more difficult for brands to influence the way the market thinks.

For this reason, the brands that adopt Marketing 4.0 must understand that they no longer have power over their image, since consumers are the ones who shape it.

In that sense, you must learn to deal with the chaos and the bad opinions of the clients, I understand that your business is run by people and to err is human.

Integrate online and offline marketing

Kotler argues that in Marketing 4.0, online and offline strategies have to work as a whole. Since the consumer values their digital experience but still does not abandon physical resources when buying and consuming.

Your brand must create complete experiences so that each user can go from the digital world to the real world and that this favors its result.

The omnichannel methodology is a perfect example of how this can work, since if the customer wants to start their contact through social networks and end up buying in the physical store, they can do so easily!

Do not forget that Marketing 4.0 is about immersing the actions of your business in digital areas, but without forgetting what works and what results from the previous stages.
